“He Threw the Last Punch Too Hard" is an evocative and emotional exhibit by acclaimed photographer Hannah Kozak.
ReflectSpace Gallery and Glendale Library, Arts & Culture are honored to announce the opening of "He Threw the Last Punch Too Hard," an evocative and emotional exhibit by acclaimed photographer Hannah Kozak. This profoundly powerful collection details the artist’s mother, Rachel, through her life and journey with domestic violence. Through her lens, Kozak shares a poignant narrative of strength, resilience, and healing.
Hannah Kozak's work has received widespread acclaim for its raw and unflinching portrayal of domestic violence and the generational impact of abuse. Her images capture the emotions, struggles, and ultimate triumphs of her mother’s adversity and the path to forgiveness between child and parent.
In addition to the exhibit in ReflectSpace Gallery, The Clothesline Project, presented by YWCA of Glendale and Pasadena, will be on display in Central Library’s PassageWay Gallery.
The exhibit will be on display through December 10, 2023.
Exhibition content may be unsuitable for some viewers.
For more information visit, https://www.reflectspace.org/post/He-Threw-the-Last-Punch-Too-Hard
Image: Hannah Kozak, Rachel: Double exposure, July 15, 2015.
Visitors to the Glendale Central Library receive 3 hours FREE parking across Harvard Street at the Marketplace parking structure with validation at the service desk. Accessible parking is available on the east side of the building.
For additional information about this event, please contact Central Library at 818-548-2021 or send us an email at LibraryInfo@GlendaleCA.gov.
Established in 1906.
Library services in Glendale were first provided in 1906. The women of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, a social and philanthropic organization, raised money through a series of lectures to fund a library collection. The library opened in a renovated pool room at Third and E (Wilson and Everett) Streets with seventy books, soon supplemented by a State Traveling Library of fifty more, and served a population of 1,186.
In 1907, the City Trustees passed Ordinance 53 which established and supported a library which "...shall be forever free to the inhabitants and nonresident taxpayers of the City of Glendale..." The first year the library had 251 books, 165 registered patrons, and a budget of $248.88.
In 1913, a Carnegie grant of $12,500 made possible the construction of the main library at Kenwood and Fifth (Harvard Street). The building was completed and dedicated November 13, 1914.